Neil Gorsuch is Just Round One in the Fight for the Supreme Court

President Trump’s nomination of 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court will be met by fierce resistance by Democrats in the Senate and unrelenting demagoguery from left-wing groups and media outlets. About that there can be no doubt. (American Greatness readers may recall a reference to Gorsuch in my December 22 article, “The Trump Court: SCOTUS Could Stand Some Disruption.”)

The opposition is unwarranted. Gorsuch is an excellent choice, and he should be confirmed by the Senate easily and without unnecessary delay. The 49-year old Colorado native, a Harvard Law graduate and former Supreme Court clerk, was so non-controversial when President George W. Bush appointed him to the 10th Circuit in 2006 that the Senate confirmed him unanimously on a voice vote.

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