Farewell to 2018

2018 was a busy year. For my main platform, Law & Liberty (where I am a contributing editor), I wrote 22 columns, falling slightly short of my goal of two per month. I had a major article published by the Texas Review of Law & Politics, a student-edited scholarly publication.  I also had an article in the print edition of Modern Age (my first). I wrote seven pieces for American Greatness, an on-line journal of opinion that infuriates Beltway neocons and overrated Establishment hacks who shall remain nameless. One of my American Greatness essays was quoted by Linda Greenhouse in an op-ed in the New York Times. City Journal featured one of my “feature” articles in the magazine (on Robert Bork) and ran six shorter pieces on the CJ website.  The Bork piece was adapted for the Wall Street Journal, which was quoted by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley as he convened the confirmation hearing for now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

2018 began with a four-part series in The American Spectator on the persecution of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, and I wrote one more piece for TAS this year, for a total of five. On the higher education front, I wrote one article apiece for the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal and Minding the Campus.  Also two posts for the Federalist Society blog. One of my “fun” assignments was writing an essay on the forgotten backstory of Jim Jones and his cult, the Peoples Temple, for the Modern Age website.

All of these articles are archived on my website, Misrule of Law, along with some original content and miscellany published elsewhere. (Check it out.)

In addition to this website (launched this year!), I maintain a parallel Facebook page (also entitled Misrule of Law) that comments on political and legal topics. I post items there almost every day.

One of my proudest accomplishments this year was launching a second Facebook page, entitled Stop the Insanity at UT, which focuses on the hijacking of my alma mater by leftist activists, led by UT President Greg Fenves. In just a few months, the page has attracted over 1,200 followers. I have been interviewed by several radio talk show hosts, journalists, and podcasts regarding Stop the Insanity at UT, and would like to see the concept adopted at other major colleges and universities.

I’m looking forward to 2019. Happy New Year!

  • “Mark Pulliam is one of the few truly fearless, devastatingly incisive, original and yet deeply learned commentators on the contemporary legal scene.  His new blog is a welcome addition and a splendid and provocative resource.”
    Professor Stephen B. Presser
    Raoul Berger Professor of Legal History Emeritus, Northwestern University School of Law
  • “Mark Pulliam is the Walt Longmire of legal conservatism. You don't want to be on the wrong end of his pen. His commentary on law, politics, and policy is not to be missed.”
    Richard Reinsch II
    Director of Law and Liberty, Liberty Fund, Inc.
  • “Mark's blistering criticism of the foibles of the lawyering class and crackpot judges is a worthy penance for a recovering attorney. And it is our gain.”
    Michael Thompson
    Shareholder, Wright & Greenhill, P.C.
  • “Maybe this man’s degree is written in crayon."
  • "Mark Pulliam fancies himself a Paul Revere of the right."
    Froma Harrop
    Syndicated columnist
  • "Mark Pulliam is a good fellow….99 percent of the time, I love his material."
    William J. Watkins
    Research Fellow at the Independent Institute
  • “With the flourish of a pen, Mark Pulliam makes bad guys rhetorically bleed and weak guys physically cringe. It's awesome.”
    Michael Quinn Sullivan
    President & CEO, Empower Texans
  • "Mark Pulliam, writer and thinker extraordinaire, has a new blog. Make sure to visit and register. Mark Pulliam's new blog is a thing of wit and intelligence."
    Bradley J. Birzer
    Professor of History, Hillsdale College, President of the American Ideas Institute, and editor at large of The Imaginative Conservative
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