Making the Cover of The Independent Review
Thanks to the Tom Woods Show for inviting me to discuss this article (here).

Last year, Professor Stephen Presser—then a visiting scholar at the University of Colorado—invited me to deliver a lecture to his students on a topic of my choice. As a retired labor lawyer, I chose the mythology of the labor movement in America. When I returned from my trip to Boulder, I adapted the lecture into an article, which was published in the peer-reviewed journal The Independent Review, published by the Oakland-based Independent Institute. The article, entitled “The Exploitation of Labor and Other Union Myths,” is in the Winter 2019 issue, just released. I was pleased to see that the cover of the issue is devoted to the subject of my article: “Are Unions Good for Workers?”
As I explain in the article, the answer is “No.”
The Independent Institute, which publishes The Independent Review, described my article as a “brilliant refutation of the ‘exploitation of labor’ doctrine and other myths.”