Trouble in Paradise? (Part 3)

Our idyllic community in Blount County faces challenges from proponents of radical change. They include liberal Democrats (are there any other kind?), race-baiting sowers of anti-police sentiment, environmental wackos, social justice warriors, LGBTQ activists, socialists, and demagogues using the rhetoric of “civil rights” to promote identity politics. We must stand strong and repel the challenges. How?
Here are some practical steps:
Register to vote and make sure that you vote in every election.
Pay attention to who your elected officials are, what they are doing, and who is running against them. This includes the city you live in, Blount County, the state legislature, Congress, and statewide elected officials. Don’t forget school boards and the like. All elective offices affect you. Many officials have websites and/or Facebook pages you can visit for information.
Sign up for emails from the Blount County Republican Party. Get engaged. Volunteer. Attend meetings and events to meet likeminded citizens. The Blount County Republican Women meet monthly, and men are welcome to attend.
Speak out, and don’t be intimidated by the vocal minority of leftists in Blount County. You are the Silent Majority, and you shouldn’t let the shrill voices of radical activists bully you into silence.
Ignore the liberal propaganda in the Daily Times. It is a dying publication.
Invite your friends to follow Blount County Conservative Sentinel. There are many conservative-themed Facebook pages for Tennesseans, but this page is devoted to Blount County.
In politics, there is strength in numbers. Unity and organization are important. We must stick together and work to defeat the progressives who want to turn our lovely community into another Nashville, Minneapolis, or worse.
Don’t Californicate Blount County! MAGA 2020!