Hubris: The Texas Establishment’s War Against the Grassroots
I enthusiastically support Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. Over the years, I wrote a four-part series in defense of Paxton in The American Spectator (here), and a pair of articles for City Journal (here and here). In connection with his bogus impeachment, I wrote several articles critical of the baseless proceedings for The Federalist and American Greatness. After the Texas Senate acquitted Paxton, I wrote a post-mortem of the attempted coup for The Federalist. Accordingly, I was honored to participate in the documentary produced by Texas Scorecard exposing the forces responsible for the sordid affair. The film is called Hubris: The Texas Kingmakers (here). I encourage you to watch it. Here is the trailer. Texas Scorecard produced a related podcast, Exposed (here, here, here, here, and here). Thanks to Daniel Greer for his recap of my comments on Texans for Lawsuit Reform, in an article titled “The Devil’s Bargain: How Texans for Lawsuit Reform ‘Lost Their Way’” (here).

Texans for Lawsuit Reform, stung by the expose, reacted with an intemperate press release.