Scoutophobic San Diego
As America battles over cultural issues, the Boy Scouts find themselves in the crossfire of the 2004 election season. In a number of communities where intolerant “progressives” hold sway, the Scouts are under siege because they won’t drop their commitment to God, country and traditional morality. Several of these skirmishes have grabbed headlines recently, and in one engagement — an attack on the Scouts by the American Civil Liberties Union in San Diego — the Bush Administration has stepped forward to defend the Scouts, raising the stakes in the case and prompting some reporters to look for the hand of Karl Rove.
The ACLU is on a crusade to expel the Scouts from public property in San Diego, and the city council recently chipped in (with taxpayer money) to help that drive. The council voted to extricate the city from the lawsuit by promising to abandon any defense of the Scouts and to pay the ACLU $900,000 for various “legal fees.”
Read More at The American Spectator