Trial Lawyer Fox Running to Guard the GOP Hen House

In an election season abounding with ironies, one of the strangest is the campaign now being waged by Houston personal injury trial lawyer Jared Woodfill to lead the Republican Party of Texas. The RPT platform, you see, advocates tort reform and opposes frivolous lawsuits, whereas Woodfill has a deplorable record of bringing meritless lawsuits and engaging in questionable litigation tactics. Texas’s long run of economic prosperity is due in large part to the “Texas Miracle” promoted by former Gov. Rick Perry, the centerpiece of which is a sensible, business-friendly legal system. Two decades ago, proponents of a balanced civil justice system, led by Texans for Lawsuit Reform, fought long and hard to pry the state’s judiciary and legislature out of the rapacious hands of Woodfill’s lawsuit-happy colleagues in the plaintiffs’ bar. The delegates to the upcoming GOP state convention, being held in Dallas from May 12-14, could jeopardize Texas’s comprehensive tort reform model by electing a fox to guard the proverbial hen house.

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